Friday 15 June 2012

The 5th Annual Piggyback Fringe Festival begins!

There are many reasons why I love living in Wakefield, near the top of the list is The Piggyback Fringe Festival.

We had our opening night last night, a casual affair under a tent with offerings of poetry, improv and music to dance to. It was a small turnout. I was disappointed by this at first, but then I recognized it was also very intimate. Good friends playing with good friends.

Eric and I along with our improv troupe (apparently called the Theatre Wakefield Improv Team – or TWIT according to Eric at the last moment) performed for a small but enthusiastic crowd. We all agreed we were rusty from a few months’ hiatus, but we managed to get a few good moments across.

Another highlight for me was the video booth where we can all present our own reviews of the plays we have seen. With nothing to review, Jeffrey Ferguson and I did a lightsaber fight with some spotlights. 

Like I said, it’s a classy festival.

If you are going to Piggyback, make sure you make your way to Piggy Central at the community centre and say your piece! Also be on the lookout for Miss Piggyfest. I won't bother describing her at this point. When you see her, you'll know it!

While I will be trying to live-blog as best I can, I will also be tweeting this weekend quite extensively. Most likely it is on twitter that I will post my photos. You can follow me by finding @shebertdaly. Twitter is free.

As the sun set and our friends danced, Eric and I made our way home. A quiet ending to a very busy day at work and a nice night out with our friends. We both knew we were going to have a great weekend.

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